Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Etsy Feature: Pink Limed

Hello everyone! Today's feature is this awesome shop that sells  magnets, jewelry, ornaments and more! And everything's so cute! Check out a little more about her.

 1)Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello there! My name is Britt, I'm a full-time college student from central Massachusetts. I'm sort of stuck in between majors right now; I keep debating between Graphic Design and Studio Art. Whichever I don't choose will become my minor, so, no matter what, I'm doing what I love.

2)How was Pink Limed created?
Pink Limed was created on November 16, 2009. I was just about to finish my first semester and when I wanted to chill out, I would make clay items and paint unfinished boxes. A friend suggested I look into Etsy, as I had just closed my store I'd had on another well known selling website. I fell in love, and I've been here since!
(Happy 1 year Etsy-versary!!!)

3)How did you came up with the name?
It's a really anti-climatic story, really! I came up the name when I opened my first shop. I was fourteen at the time and pink and green was my favorite color combination. It just stuck! The 'd' in Limed was added when I joined Etsy. I thought it was funny because it sounded like a verb, so when you buy from me, you've been Pink Limed. ;D

4)What makes your shop unique?
My shop is unique because I have so many different things, and I adore doing custom items. I refuse to list anything I personally wouldn't buy, so it's full of unique and fun items you couldn't find anywhere else. I don't know how many other stores you could find a custom ornament next to a box painted with sushi!

5)What’s your favorite item from your shop?
That's so hard to pick! Currently, I really love the Christmas Pickle Ornament. He absolutely cracks me up every time I look at him and they are so fun to make!

6)Any new ideas for your shop in the future?
I'm always trying to do something new. I'm hoping to start making charms for necklaces and perhaps doing some resin jewelry. Who knows what the future holds!

7) Contact Information: You can, of course, find me at Pink Limed on etsy, pinklimed.etsy.com. You can also send me an e-mail at pinklimed@gmail.com or visit me on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/PinkLimed

So cute isn't it?!
My personal favorite from this shop has to be this awesome ring!

So everyone now go xmas shopping! :D

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