Sunday, November 28, 2010

d3bz First Time in Etsy's Front Page!!

my other shop debstgo has been featured a couple of times on Etsy's FP.. but d3bz hadn't even though I've had it open since before. So guess what?!

d3bz finally made it to the FP!!! thanks to the awesome ImpossiblyAlice she has an awesome shop with awesome stuff and perfect for winter that is arriving quickly so don't forget to give her some love!

Here's the amazing FP she made.
Also another T I made with debstgo made it to FP!!!


Janis said...


araleling said...

Wah, congratulations deb =D

Veronica said...

I saw that! Congratulations!! :-D

Hello Again Vintage said...

Wohoo! Congrats! :D